We provide an easy-to-use web page for your viewers to watch and interact live during the streaming of your event without interruption.
Live Streaming at its best
Funeral live-streaming is a great option to provide accessibility for those who can’t attend in person. The added value is that Charà Production allows you to participate virtually without any geographic barriers.
Our team of professional multi-talented videographers, engineers and editors, offer unparalleled live streaming services from across the UK. We're a one-stop-shop providing you with the best coverage of your funeral along with our live commentary.
We work with your chosen funeral director and the venue to achieve the best coverage of the event. Our highly trained technicians continuously monitor the live stream, ensuring your audience has the best experience online.
Our Services
Multi location streaming
Our team of professional multi-talented videographers, engineers and editors offers unparalleled live streaming services across the UK. We're a one-stop shop providing the best coverage of your funeral and our live commentary. We work with your chosen funeral director and the venue to achieve the best coverage of the event. Our highly trained technicians continuously monitor the live stream, ensuring your audience has the best experience online.
Online host (Narrator)
Our online host (narrator) has many years of experience officiating funerals. We take the time to meet with the family to discover your loved one's outstanding personality and achievements. Building a character profile, our hosts, on the day of the live-streaming, engages your online audience, read written tributes, offer commentary on significant stages of the motorcade journey, and skillfully create a seamless transition between each section of the broadcast.
We would love to talk about your project.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.